New Food To Go Award

This award recognises development and innovation in the food to go market by manufacturers and foodservice businesses.

What We Look For

The judges will be looking for outstanding innovation and development in the food to go market and will also be considering taste, eye appeal and commercial viability.

Entries must have been launched into a retail or foodservice environment within the award qualifying period 1 March 2024 to 28 February 2025.

All entries will be treated in strict confidence and only seen by the judging panel.

How to Enter 

Entrants should provide a written submission, no more than two sides of A4 and MUST clearly state the market the product is aimed at (e.g. retail supermarket, foodservice) the selling price, why it is innovative and its value to the food to go industry. Supporting material (product literature etc) may also be submitted with entries. 

Please note this this award does not include sandwiches, baguettes, wraps, panininis etc (those products may be entered in the new sandwich award).

Closing date for entries:  5 February 2025.